Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Heart of Democracy

I just finished watching the inauguration. I sympathize with those who opted not to watch. However, I am a primary source person, as often as is possible, so I always prefer to see and hear things as they happen. I was disturbed by the "America First" refrain, as it bears such echoes of isolationism. I believe we can be patriotic, and build up what is best about our country, without walling ourselves of from, and weakening alliances with other countries. True patriotism doesn't require homogeneity of ideas, backgrounds, or political philosophy. But true patriotism must be founded upon a fundamental reverence for human dignity, protection of the vulnerable, and a love of diversity. When we stray from those values, either with our rhetoric or our policies, we betray the heart of democracy. My prayer for this new administration is that they will hear the voices of all Americans, discover the humility that undergirds all real strength, and trade isolationism for fierce and substansive diplomacy. I pray that people on both sides of the aisle will redirect their anger, fear, and frustration into mobilized commitment to calling and writing their representatives, studying the issues, and and getting out the vote for the midterm elections. If we took the 3 minutes it takes to make a meme, and used that time to write or call our representatives, just think of what we could accomplish! On this damp cold day, I'm going to make some homemade bread and remind myself that each of us can be the yeast that helps this country rise. May each of us use our lives, our personal spheres of influence, and our personal encounters, to be like the starter for Amish friendship bread. May our witness and work be one that can be passed on and made into nourishment for all who receive it. When we live this way, all will be well because we will be taking care of each other, regardless of who occupies the white house.

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