Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Moms are under lots of pressure to be all things to all people. If a woman works outside the home, she's pressured by people (Gov. Mike Pence included) who shame them for not staying at home with their kids. If they stay home with their kids, they're questioned about why they aren't using their degree(s). What no one wants to talk about is that some mom's are better, happier mom's when they work. Some mom's have no choice but to work to keep the family afloat. Some moms' degrees lead to jobs that don't pay any more than daycare or babysitters would cost, so we invest in making a home on a budget and supporting the family that way (it takes time and planning to stretch a budget). Some mom's can easily afford to stay at home, and just love it. Some moms have kids with special needs who need them there. The truth is, it takes a village, but few women in this day and age have an unpaid village to rely on. Most women exhaust themselves everyday trying to honor their family's needs. Most husbands or partners exhaust themselves everyday trying to give their family the best life possible. It's time for us to stop judging and shaming one another for how we try to find balance and sanity in our vocations (one of which is parenting). Most of us are quietly doing the best we can. None of us can be all things to all people. All of us need support. Let's stop judging and start being a village for our friends in every little way we can!

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