Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fear Goggles

This election is not only about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. It's about our deepest fears and how we respond to them. Fear in itself isn't a bad thing. It alerts us to danger and focuses us while we defend ourselves. But when fear sticks around and becomes the glasses we wear all the time, fear deceives us. It alters our vision. Fear can make neighbors look like suspects. It can make compassion look like weakness. It can make hope look like naivete. Fear can make isolation look like safety, and violence look like the only option. Fear can make prejudice look like wisdom and openness look like carelessness. Fear can make interdependence look like helplessness, and diversity look like a threat. When fear alters our vision it clouds our faith by convincing us that what we see is all there is. When we surrender our vision of our common humanity to let fear be our lens, we risk losing more than an election or an argument. We risk losing our souls. We were created in the image of a God of Love, called to give Love eyes, ears, hands, and a voice. Let us look for love everywhere we go. Let us listen for love in the midst of the bluster. Let us create spaces for love right where we are. Let us speak love into the angry, hateful, fearful, and broken places until everyone can hear it. Don't campaign for fear. It was never meant to lead. ‪#‎lovewins‬ ‪#‎loveheals‬

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